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SOAP Devotion - This hour


John 12:27 “Now my soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. 28 Father, glorify your name!”


 This is one of my favorite verses and it has been a good reminder as I have gone through some tough times. It was as Jesus was preparing to be sacrificed that He gave us these amazing words. Rather than look at the hardship before us and beg God to pull us out of it, He showed us that the trial itself, may be the very reason we were sent here. If we believe that our goal for this life is to stay comfortable, we will most likely view trials as they come as some sort of abandonment by God. However, if we approach this life as if our entire goal is to glorify God, we won’t be so worried about what exactly we go through. So, when my soul is troubled, I try to not go to God and beg Him to rescue me, but rather I ask Him to help me glorify His name no matter what I face. How easy would it be for God to rescue us from our trouble? But He is far more concerned with our hearts and the hearts of others than our happiness. We have eternity to live in peace with Him, it is for this very reason, in this hour, that we were sent here. Live in your calling, own your circumstances, and point to Jesus while you do.


This week I will go to God to ask Him to help me glorify Him through my trials. I will ask Him what He has for me during this season. I will live in this moment remembering that it was for this moment that I was sent here, and I will try to stop wishing today away.  


God, thank you for pushing me, strengthening me, challenging me to be more, to let go of more, to reconcile more. Thank you for being patient with my progress. Help me continue in my healing, and trusting in Your sovereignty.  

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